14 | Graph theory and matrix theory research under Ryan Williams
- Researched reductions between graphs and matrices
- Studied graph theory, matrix theory, and circuit complexity
14 | Cryptography research under Dan Boneh
- With a team, developed a PIR system for location-based information
- Provided location-based information without learning users’ locations
- Developed an oblivious transfer protocol using the Paillier cryptosystem
- The work was done on behalf of a major car manufacturer
11-15 | B.S. in Computer Science |
16 | TA of CS 155 (computer security) and CS 255 (crypto) |
16 | Cryptography research under Dan Boneh
- Developed randbox, a Python module to perform experiments with entropy
- Generate random numbers, perform operations on them, and retrieve the min entropy of the result
15-16 | M.S. in Computer Science
- Concentrations in Computer & Network Security and Theory